Alumni community

Australia is one of the most popular destinations for international students seeking a world-class education experience — and Australia has alumni from every corner of the globe.

More than 2.5 million international students have studied in Australia over the last fifty years, including more than 100,000 Vietnamese. More than 7,000 alumni have received Australian Government scholarships since 1974.

Australian alumni in Vietnam work across all sectors of Vietnamese industry and Government. Many Australian alumni have gone on to make substantial contributions towards Vietnam’s socioeconomic development and build invaluable lifelong networks both in Vietnam and Australia.

The Australian Government provides long-term support for alumni through

  • building an active and increasingly self-sustainable alumni community
  • enhancing alumni advocacy for Australia-Vietnam partnerships
  • increasing the recognition of alumni expertise and contributions

Australian alumni in Vietnam online community

Join our Australian alumni in Vietnam online community to connect with other Australian alumni in Vietnam and advance your professional and personal development! Don’t miss your opportunity to:

  • Make friends with your fellow alumni who share the same interests
  • Share knowledge by joining professional groups, or create your own group to discuss shared interests
  • Join alumni events or invite your fellow alumni to events that you host
  • Find job opportunities and recruit for your organisation

Alumni FAQ’s

The following are commonly asked questions by Australia Awards Scholarships alumni. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us at [email protected].

The Aus4Skills Alumni Engagement team is here to support you as you transition back to Vietnam, and continue to build your career. This includes inviting you to attend a Welcome Home Ceremony, where you will receive an Australia Awards completion certificate from an Australian Government representative.

You will also be assisted to identify and build relevant skills, knowledge and networks that would benefit your workplace, sector and broader community.

For information on other opportunities for alumni, please follow the Australian Alumni in Vietnam Facebook.

No. There is no membership fee for joining the Australia Awards alumni network managed by Aus4Skills.

To participate in alumni engagement activities, you only have to be Australia Awards alumni. Many of these activities are also open to non-Australia Awards alumni. Alumni in Vietnam will be notified through relevant channels when the events are open to them.

No. Australia Awards alumni are not charged for attending alumni activities. However, you will need to pay your own costs to attend activities, including travel and accommodation. Disadvantaged alumnus can apply for financial support to meet these costs under the Equity of Access Fund.

Alumni may also be asked to contribute a small amount for some events, such as the Alumni Reunion and two-day training workshops, to ensure commitment to attend the event and help share costs.

There are many ways for you to find out about upcoming alumni activities and events:


There are two ways to connect with other alumni:

  • Join the 6 Alumni Professional Groups’ Facebooks and then share what you are looking for on the Group(s).
  • Email the Aus4Skills Alumni Engagement team if you need assistance.

No. Most alumni need to pay their own costs to attend activities, including travel and accommodation. However, some support may be available for disadvantaged alumni under the Equity of Access Fund.

There are many ways you can contribute to and build the network of Australian alumni in Vietnam! This includes promoting Australia Awards scholarships through your networks, speaking at information sessions, sharing your experiences with departing awardees at pre-departure briefings, and helping to organise alumni activities. Please contact the Aus4Skills Alumni Engagement team if you need more information on how you can contribute.

Alumni of Australian Government scholarships and some professional development programs including Australia Awards, Endeavour, ACIAR Scholarships , and Vietnam Australia Centre participants, as well as Vietnamese Government Scholarships who completed their studies in Australia can access online academic databases free-of-charge. If you are interested in accessing this service, please email us.

It is important for you to keep us updated about any changes to your contact details so we can ensure you receive all emails that are relevant to you. Please make sure you inform us whenever your contact details change.

You are also invited to visit our active Facebook page where news on alumni activities and opportunities is posted regularly.

Yes. To apply for a second Australia Awards scholarship, you must have resided outside of Australia for twice the length of the total time that you were in Australia (for example, a previous awardee who has been on an Australia Awards scholarship in Australia for four years will not be eligible to apply for another Australia Awards Scholarship until they have resided outside Australia for eight years).

The Australian alumni community supports alumni to connect on shared research interests and projects. You may also wish to join the relevant Alumni Professional Group(s) for your interest area(s).

The Aus4Skills Alumni Engagement team can help you connect with relevant alumni who work in your field of research from our alumni database. You are welcome to contact us about your research interest. If appropriate, you may also register as a potential speaker for professional development events such as seminars. Please send us an email for more details.

All applicants and alumni must understand the exclusion period rules and obligations. Please carefully read section 8.6 (Two-year exclusion rule) in the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook.

If you, as an Australia Awards alumni, wish to visit Australia for up to 3 months during your exclusion period, we can assist you in obtaining a Letter of No Objection from the Australian Embassy. Please email us for more details.

If you plan to visit Australia for longer than 3 months, you should send your request to Global Education and Scholarships Section at [email protected].