Equity Support for Disadvantaged Groups
People with disability or Rural disadvantaged applicants may be entitled to equity support for their application and/or during their studies.
People with disability or Rural Disadvantaged applicants may be entitled to equity support for their application or during their studies.
Disadvantaged rural applicants are people who were born in OR attended high school in one of the Designated Poor Districts AND are working in one of the listed provinces with designated poor districts. The list of disadvantaged provinces/districts can be found here.
Ethnic minority applicants will be deemed disadvantaged only if they meet the criteria for Rural Disadvantaged Applicants.
Disadvantaged applicants are required to provide evidence at application of their place of birth, high school graduation, location of current employment and/or disability.
The following special provisions apply to Disadvantaged Applicants regardless of applicant group:
The Equity of Access Fund reduces barriers to participation for eligible disadvantaged groups applying for, and awarded, Australia Awards Scholarships in Vietnam. It provides funding for reasonable adjustment and accommodation (e.g. funding for travel and accommodation to participate in
pre-departure activities).
The Equity of Access Fund applies for the pre-award and post-award periods only. For people with disability, the Australian Government provides direct support while studying in Australia, but no additional support is provided for rural disadvantaged awardees.
Rural Disadvantaged, including ethnic minorities who meet the criteria for rural disadvantaged
The list of disadvantaged provinces/districts can be accessed here.
Supporting Documentation*
Certified copy of birth certificate or certified copy of high school
transcriptCertified copy of employment
People with disability
A disability is defined as[1]:
Total or partial loss of bodily or mental functions
Total or partial loss of a body part (e.g, loss or incomplete use of arms/legs/ hands/fingers) the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness
A disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction
a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed behaviour
Supporting Documentation*
A doctor’s certificate
Note: For maximum support, applicants and awardees are encouraged to advise Aus4Skills if any special support is required as soon as possible. However, applicants/awardees may provide this advice at any stage during the application process or award, including if their needs change.
*Further documentation may be required as determined by Aus4Skills.
If you are eligible for support, contact Aus4Skills on [email protected]. You should provide a brief description of your eligibility (e.g. your rural background, ethnicity or disability) and start gathering supporting documents as specified in table above.
Aus4Skills will contact you to confirm your eligibility. Aus4Skills may request supporting documents or assist you in securing documents, if necessary. You may then be asked to participate in either a Disability Needs Assessment or a Rural Disadvantaged Assessment, to identify the level of support that may be required.